Monday 8 May 2017

Importance of Puja or Prayer in Daily Life.

In this world where uncertainty is the norm of the day and nobody knows what will happen next. Some people say that if we can’t do anything then we should live according to our heart and what we like. This is the common thinking of any human being. People all over the world are living according to what they like and don’t think how to improve their lives and live happily. Most people are running after money and materialistic acquisitions and this they think makes them happy.

People believe that offering money makes their all things done and happiness can be bought with a lot of money. Well to a certain extent yes. But that is not true happiness. Happiness is internal and can be only discovered when we know ourselves and give something good which society can foster. True that by establishing business we are giving a lot of work to people but does that suffice your internal being?

This is a big question that in spite of all money we have, why are not we truly happy and why there is no peace in this world?

Why are we killing each other and why are we so much tensed?

The answer can only be found if we try to know that the supreme power has sent us to follow a true path which is not being followed.

We are just externally showing happiness and internally we are cheating ourselves. This is a big irony. This is degrading the society.

We have achieved a lot as a world, but is it a real achievement?

People have stopped trusting the fellow human beings, chaos and uncertainty exist everywhere.

So what can be done to stop all this?

The best way to attain peace and humanity around the world is to do prayer with a true heart. Seek the guidance of God, the supreme who has made all of us.
God does not forget to give all of us a morning and night, the food we eat and rest of things.

So what is the right way to do Puja or Prayer?
1)   First of all, we must try to sit at least 10 minutes silently with God and talk as we do as normal human beings.
       By talking as asking for his blessings to do right work we can do good and right act and stop cheating the fellow human beings.

2)   We must thank God by lighting a Diya or Flame to adore God who we want to thank.

3)    As we bathe in morning we must also offer water to clean the God idol we worship.

4)   As God has given us food and shelter we must thank him for his kindness by offering flowers as an act of worship.

5)   Lightening lamps and Diya, not the electric one makes the atmosphere clean for worship.

6)   We can also meditate by using certain Jap Malas which contain holy beads to represent the entire universe. Mala helps us to concentrate on the God whose name we chant while moving our fingers on beads. The numbers of beads in a mala are 108 in number.

7)   Meditation is a way by which we can come closer to knowing our conscious and improve upon it to follow the right path.

8)   This helps us and the supreme to come closer.

You can buy online all the spiritual and religious products from Aumzone to follow the path of spirituality like Jap Mala, Diya, Camphor, Garlands and other Items used during Puja or Prayer.

I hope so the readers spread this message of worshiping God or supreme and seek his blessings to follow the right path and make the world a happy place to live.

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