Friday 24 March 2017

Why worship God Idols?

Religious and Spiritual Destination

God –The creator of the universe. Everything moving on this planet earth is being created by god. The water we drink, the air we breathe, food we eat and the land we walk on are all being created by the almighty. Yet only a few perhaps may have seen him! And whether it is he or her who created it is unknown.
                              Lot many stories are there behind the creation of human beings. But today we are going to talk about why we worship God in form of Idols.

Idol is a representation of the deity in form of material object. It helps us in bringing close to the almighty. Though even in Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna has mentioned that God is one and there is only one path to discover God which is Worship and Love towards him. So since human beings cannot see God directly Man created Idols for Worship which has many forms. These Forms created by man is shaped according to the beliefs in form of Idols of God.

Idols are put into existence at Temples by a Practice known as "Prana Pratishtha" in which Pundits recite Mantras and Hymns to make the Idol Divine. This is then worshipped by people since it makes the God in the form of a divine creature. This Prana Pratishtha ritual can be performed by a learned person who helps a common person to install the God idol even at Home. 

It is a tradition in Hindu families to have a separate Puja Room at Home where people gather to worship God in Form of Idols or a symbol. The Symbol can also be in form of a living creature like Cow, Poster of God or even some Yantra being worshipped. This Puja room is a very scared place and helps people to gain confidence and to good work by seeking the blessings of Almighty. The Idols to be put in Puja Room can be of Ishta Dev which can be Durga, Ganesha, Vishnu or his Avatars namely Krishna or Rama. Even in some Houses, Lord Shiva is commonly found.But the Idol which is being worshipped should be daily cleaned and offered Flowers and other offerings. The main aim of life of any Hindu is to attain liberation from life and death. This is possible only if we do a selfless service to almighty in whatever form. By worship, we are able to find a right path to lead a life, make our soul pure and attain Moksha by blessings of Lord. 

God Idols help a person to concentrate and communicate with almighty. Though, every human being himself has The Power to find the almighty through meditation. This symbol of God in material form with Chanting of Mantras creates a pure atmosphere and an aura which makes a human pure. If Puja is done daily then it removes obstacles, perform work with ease and helps in family decisions. 

In India, there are a lot of festivals and customs which help in creating a sense of belonging and unity with faith. The Scriptures and religious books even portray the forms of God like Lord Krishna, Ram, Hanuman, Durga etc which from centuries are worshipped by human beings. Even in Western countries, various people worship Lord Krishna, Lord Hanuman, and Lord Ram etc.  

The blessings of these deities bring peace and confidence in Human beings. It also installs a belief that we can communicate with supreme power through God idols. Thus God idols bring a spiritual element in the human being through prayers and worship.

Monday 20 March 2017

Rudraksh-Significance of Wearing


Rudraksha is Symbol of God Shiva. Rudraksha refers to Seed or Beads of Tree. We Hindu Say Rudraksha for Both Seed and Tree. For example, Rudraksha tree or Rudraksha Beads or Rudraksha seed. The garland or necklace of this seed is known as Mala of Rudraksha. 
The seed of Rudraksha tree plays an importance role in Hinduism. Rudraksha Seeds provide power and happiness. It helps to gain power and ability to stay good health. This seed present presence of god Shiva. It is a symbol of god Shiva. So it is a powerful seed of world. There is no greater than god Shiva. Rudraksha seed provides good health and wearer gets blessing and boon of Shiva.
It provides good luck, wealth and Salvation (Mukti or moksha). God Shiva devotees must wear or worship Rudraksha seed to make him happy. We can see many bhakta, sadhus, and baba Ji wearing Rudraksha seed mala and garland or single seed lockets. We worship god Shiva in many festivals and every day. God Shiva is easily happy when we wear Rudraksha while worshipping Shiva in-house and temple. We can also worship Rudraksha besides wearing.

Rudraksha Beads

Different Rudraksha Mukhi is Also Known as Different Types of Rudraksha seed. There are many varieties of Rudraksh Seed. In a single tree, we can find many types of Rudraksh.  Knowing the different types of Rudraksh is knowing different Mukhi Rudraksh. Mukhi is a synonym of types in Rudraksh.
 Types or different Mukhi Rudraksh is named according to lines present in the seed of Rudraksh.

Example - IF Rudraksh Have Only One Eye Visible Line or Only one Countable line on Rudraksh Bead, This seed which presents Only One Line in the Rudraksh seed is known as One Mukhi Rudraksh. In one Mukhi Rudraksh, Rudraksh Don't have more than 1 line. This is 1st types of Rudraksh. It is known as one Mukhi Rudraksh.

it bestows happiness and revival from the miseries arising from loss of wealth. Prosperity or richness, luck, fortunes grow wherever it is venerated in House or put on in the body in the form of a necklace. All forms of ill-effects related to wealth are dispelled. It boosts the concentration and willpower of the wearer. According to Vedas, it prevents diseases of the head such as stroke, paralysis, etc.
Ruling Planet: Sun 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

It gives a source of fertility in all living beings and the blessings of marital felicity. Fulfilment of material desires between husband and wife along with unity and love between each other. Garlanded it expands and maintains harmonious relationship within the family members. Good for impotence, infertility, left eye and Kidney.
Ruling Planet: Moon 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Amplification of memory power and concentration on the subject are the prime effect of this Rudraksh. It boosts the power of creative intelligence when garlanded. The wearer feels it by realising success in his work, constructive resources, wisdom and knowledge. Good for - depression, retrograde amnesia, epilepsy, Parkinson disease.
Ruling Planet: Mars 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

The four faces Rudraksh blesses wearer with creativity, communication skills and inner meditation. Wearing it prevents diseases of hypothalamus, cerebellum and medulla oblongata.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Five faces are the most commonly available Rudraksh. Wearing this rudraksha removes the nature of human-like Kama (Lust), Lopa (Greed), Moha (Attachment), Krodha (Jealousy), and Ahankar (Unwanted Ego) thus bring sound health. Wearing in the mala of 54+1 or 108+1 in the collar is highly beneficial for people with heart diseases, blood pressure, stress, anxiety.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Six Face rudraksha's help to build and increases emotional character. These character like Love, Kindness, Attraction Etc will be good and strong.It improves the intellectual area in our brain which controls how to love and appreciate others. Good in the prevention of eyes, nose, throat, sexual organs, kidneys, and bladder related diseases.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Seven faces Rudraksh bring pleasure, peace, cheerfulness, simplicity, easiness and happiness in the person while wearing. It strengthens the digestive system in the body. Good for preventing cold, cough, bronchitis, rheumatism.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Eight faces Rudraksh have the energies for success and destroyer of evils and obstacles. Eight faces is a vital instrument in strengthening one's will power and converting even an enemy into a friend. It uses before new work/venture to bring good fortune in work and businesses or services is well influential. It is also the demolisher of arrogance, egoism and pride when adorned. Those people having mental troubles, insomnia as well as having habits of excessive expenditure finds eight faces the best remedy for the solutions of their problems. Diseases of the stomach are prevented by wearing this Rudraksh. 
Ruling Planet: Rahu 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Energies from Nine faces manifests when evil forces threatened the very existence of balanced health of the wearer. Wearing it stimulates the nine hormones within the body. It improves will-power, body strength, invokes fearlessness, dynamism leading to a balanced healthy life. Those who are prone to fatal diseases of a mysterious nature will be benefited by the use of nine faces. Nine Mukhi beads will help to destroy sins, injustice, irreligion, cruelty, laziness and evil habits. Recommended for all kinds of diseases.
Ruling Planet: Ketu 
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Ten face one of the most powerful rudraksha has a wide variety of benefits. Wearing it attracts luck and prosperity, helps to attain wealthy life, and works as divine protection tool from all kind of negative forces, energies and spirits.It calms the nerves, quiets the mind, and relieves depression. It brings out the inner spiritual energies leading to self-healing. From the experiences with many people, we have seen that it improves business and social life.It works as pacifier of all the nine planets dosha and malefic effects.
Mantra: - “Om Namaha Shivaya”

Wearing it one gets success in each and every work he/she do. Wearing or worshipping of eleven faces is accomplished by the family person for comforts and prosperity in family life, by unmarried for early marriage, by old and infirm for perfect health, by those under some threat for fearlessness and by Yogis and Sanyaasis for spiritual success of the highest order. In other words, everyone gets the fulfilment of their respective wishes. Good for diseases like chronic body pain, backache, alcoholism, and liver.
No Ruling Planets
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

It is believed to be the source of vitality and the physical make up. Wearing twelve faces improves a variety of traits in an individual, both physical and psychological which helps them to move continuously with brilliance and strength in their life. It helps in one’s personal honesty and integrity, and the ability to command respect and authority, to impress and influence others. It is good for politicians and people looking for higher positions in society. Twelve faces improve leadership qualities and puts the person in the forefront. It gives intellectual capabilities and improves one’s writing and speaking powers. Diseases like bone diseases, rickets, osteoporosis will get improvement by using it.
No Ruling Planets
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

It prepares the person to tackle the physical challenges you are likely to encounter in future. Even in difficult situations, one can overcome with ease. Wearing this bead along with other Rudraksh beads lead to faster manifestation of their result. According to the feedback received from numerous clients, wearing this Rudraksh helps to attract opportunities for the search of a right partner, maintain the relationship which is on the verge of breaking. It harnesses the strength and direction of the physical force that increases your personality, fires your emotions and passion, and encourages your mental endeavours and communicative skills.
No Ruling Planets
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

It is considered as the most precious divine Rudraksh according to Scripture. Fourteen faces invoke compassionate qualities making individuals more kind to living things. It maintains good health, increases prosperity and knowledge. Wearing or placing them in cash box, this Rudraksh helps in making good profits in business, shows the power and capabilities of attracting clients to the business. It has abilities to revive stagnant business to speedy recovery and success. Practitioners shall be able to see changes in terms of monetary gains, a success in ventures and free from all financial difficulty. Wearer always feels very close to Lord Shiva and feels his breath with “Omkar” vibration. Wearing it prevents all sorts of diseases and he/she never suffer from any disastrous situation. This Rudraksh completely protects the individual from Saturn Maha Dasha (Sade-Sati Dasha).
No Ruling Planets
Mantra: Om Namaha Shivaya

Sunday 19 March 2017

Lord Shiva-Mahamartunjaya Mantra Significance

Lord Shiva-Mahamartunjaya Mantra

त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्, उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीय माऽमृतात्!!

Lord Shiva is one of the main deities of Hindu religion and millions of Hindus from all over the world are devoted to his worship to seek his blessings. The holiest shrines of Lord Shiva in India are the Jyotirlinga temples at Varanasi, Nashik, Ujjain, Rameshwaram and many other locations.
The scriptures of ancient India are filled with stories, myths, and legends in which philosophy is entwined with devotion. Great personages appear in these tales, among them the sage Markandeya, whose teachings are found in the Markandeya Purana. His text is remembered especially for its account of the glory of the Divine Mother. Markandeya is also acclaimed for his vision of the cosmic deluge, and in the Mahabharata, he is an honoured guest at the forest encampment of the heroic Pandava brothers. But his story begins before his birth.

Childless, the forest-dwelling sage Mrikandu and his wife, Marudvati, undertook a long penance, hoping to earn merit and the boon of a child. They were rewarded with a vision of Lord Shiva, their ishtadevata (the deity of their hearts). After hearing their request, Lord Shiva told them they could either parent a child who would be a brilliant spiritual light but whose life would be a scant sixteen years, or they could raise a long-lived child who would be witless and self-absorbed.
They chose the child with spiritual virtue, and in time Marudvati gave birth to a boy they named Markandeya. The couple decided not to tell him that he would have a short lifespan, but as he approached his sixteenth birthday his parents’ growing sadness betrayed them. And when he asked them to explain their downcast mood, they told him what Lord Shiva had said. Already an accomplished yogi, Markandeya rededicated himself to his practice.
On the day of his sixteenth birthday, Markandeya took refuge in a temple and sat next to a Shiva lingam (a symbol of divine consciousness) to do his worship and meditation. When the messengers of Lord Yama, the lord of death, arrived to take him away, they found him so absorbed in his prayers; they could not complete their mission.
Returning to Yama, they described their dilemma. So Yama himself travelled to the temple to accomplish the task. He urged Markandeya to follow the natural laws of life and death and to come willingly, but Markandeya wrapped his arms around the Shiva lingam and surrendered himself to its protection. Yama threw his noose to gather Markandeya in, but the noose encircled the lingam as well, and immediately, Shiva, dwelling in the image, split the lingam open and emerged in a rage. Yama had thrown his nose too far, for he had no authority to encircle Shiva himself.

Markandeya-Getting Protected by Lord Shiva

Yama was killed with a blow from Shiva’s foot as the other gods looked on in dismay. Fearing that Yama’s death would upset the order of the universe, they implored Shiva to bring him back to life—and in the end, Shiva complied. But he pointed out that Markandeya devotion had protected him, and he was therefore blessed to remain a sixteen-year-old sage eternally. The ancient belief is that the realised soul of Markandeya is still moving in the universe.

Lord Shiva

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra is one among the oldest and most important Mantra in Indian mythology and spirituality. This mantra belongs to Lord Shiva. It is a combination of three Hindi language words i.e. ‘Maha’, which means great, ‘Mrityun’ means death and ‘Jaya’ means victory, which turns into conquer or victory over death. It is also known as ‘Rudra Mantra’ or ‘Trayambakam Mantra’. The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is said to have been created by Rishi Markandeya. The Moon was once in trouble, cursed by King Daksha. Rishi Markandeya gave the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra to Sati, Daksha's daughter, for the Moon. According to another version, this is the Bija mantra as revealed to Rishi Kahola that was given by Lord Shiva to sage Sukracharya, who taught it to Rishi Dadichi, who gave it to King Kshuva, through whom it reached the Shiva Purana.
Meaning of this mantra
Aum: It is a sacred syllable in Hindu religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
Trayambakam: It means the three-eyed one (accusative case)
Yajamahe: We worship, honour, adore, revere
Sugandhim: Sweet smelling or fragrant (accusative case)
Pushti: Prosperous, thriving, fullness of life
Vardhanam: One, who strengthens, nourishes and causes to increase (in health, wealth, and well-being),
Urvarukamiva: Like the melon or cucumber (accusative case)
Bandhanan: From captivity i.e. from the stem of the cucumber (of the gourd)
Bandhanan: Stands for bound down. If read with urvarukamiva, it means ‘I am bound down just like a cucumber to a vine’.
Mrityor mokshiye: Liberate from death
Maamritat: Ma+amritat = Not+immortality, nectar.

Benefits of chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra:
1. It’s a life-saving Mantra.
2. Chant it with sincerity, faith and devotion.
3. Best time to chant is early morning hours (Brahma Muhurta), around 4.00AM.
4. You can chant anytime, anywhere with pure devotion and love for Lord Shiva.
5. Make it a practice to chant minimum 9 times before you go to the office or leave the house.
6. Make it a practice to chant minimum 9 times before going to bed.
7. Make it a practice to chant at least 3 times before you start driving. Pray to Lord Shiva for a safe drive.
8. Chant 108 times daily to get good health and wealth.
9. Make it a practice to chant 9 times before taking any medicines.
10. Make it a practice to chant once when you apply bhasma or holy ash or vibhuthi or Chandan or kunkum.
11. Take a glass of water, sit facing east, pray to Lord Shiva, close the top of the glass with your right-hand palm, chant the mantra for 1008 times, spray the water inside the house, take few teaspoons and give it to people. You can invoke the energy of Lord Shiva in the water by doing this.
12. Chant as many times possible sitting next to people who are ill or under pain.
13. Regularly chant or play it in a recorder if there is a terminally ill patient around.
14. If your friends or relatives are suffering from cancer, play the mantra or chant regularly to reduce the pain.
 15. It is said that chanting of Maha Mrityunjaya generates divine vibrations that ward off all the negative and evil forces and creates a powerful protective shield.
16. Regular chanting will protect you from sudden death, accidents, famine, misfortunes of any kind, calamity and unexplained situations.
17. Maha Mrityunjaya rejuvenates, bestows health, wealth, long life, peace, prosperity and contentment.
18. The healing and nourishing forces enter the human body through foods, medicines, supportive emotions, and encouraging thoughts. The Maha Mrityunjaya mantra attracts these forces and creates an inner environment to enhance their effectiveness.
19. Have faith and Lord Shiva is there to protect you.

How to chant Mahamrityunjaya mantra
·         According to Shastras, the best time is early morning (2-4), but if you are unable to do it during this time then after taking a bath and finishing the chores, you need to recite this mantra at least five times a mala.
·         Use a Rudraksha mala while chanting the mantra as it is considered auspicious.
·         Rudraksha mala will help you keep a tab on the number of times you have recited the mantra. You need to remember that your count cannot be less than the previous day.
·         At the time of Jaap, you need to concentrate fully on the sound vibrations of the mantra and meditate on the mantra’s meaning.  Don’t allow your mind to wander or external factors to distract you.
·         It is ideal if there is Shiva’s idol, Shiva linga or Mahamrityunjaya yantra next to you while you are chanting the mantra.
·         If you leave non-vegetarian food and chant the mantra, you will see the results soon.

Saturday 18 March 2017

Tulsi Mala- Use in Spirituality

Tulsi Mala-Aumzone

Tulsi is the most sacred plant that has been getting worshipped by most of the Hindu since ancient times. Alternatively known as the holy basil or Ocimum sanctum, tulsi is a common name in most Indian households. The literal meaning of Tulsi is “the incomparable one”. Tulsi got its name from Tulasi Devi, who was one of Lord Krishna's eternal consorts

There are two types of Tulasi. One is called Shyam Tulasi or Krishna Tulasi because it is said to be the same colour as Sri Krishna – purplish black. Shyam means ‘black’ and is one of the names of Krishna. The other is called Rama Tulasi or Swarna Tulasi and is light green in colour. Swarna means ‘plain’. Shyam Tulasi is the more powerful of the two.

Apart from the medicinal benefits of Tulsi plant, Tulsi is worshipped by Hindus as a source of spirituality. The tulsi leaves are very dear to Lord Vishnu and whenever a prasad is offered to God, tulsi leaves sprinkled on it is regarded as auspicious. The mala made from the Tulsi plant carries very spiritual values that have been getting used for the mantra chanting or to worship Lord Vishnu and Avatars in form of Lord Krishna and Lord Ram. Hindus see the tulsi mala - the light, Chandan-coloured one (see right photo) as a way to connect to Vishnu or any of his avatars like Krishna and Rama, while the Buddhists prefer the black tulsi mala (see photo below) to chant and usher in good fortune.

As soon as you wear the tulsi mala, around your neck or around your wrist, you feel protected and focussed. It actually goes a long way in helping you deal with the stress of modern life. If time permits, you can simply chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Some people believe that this mere chant is enough for salvation in this Dark Age called Kali Yuga, but even this seems a difficult task for people to do, such is the manifestation of this age.

Tulsi Mala Beads-Aumzone

The Tulsi Mala is made of Tulsi wood and consists of 108 beads wound around a strong string, with a 109th bead called the Sumeru bead of some other material like a metal or crystal, or a bigger Tulsi bead itself. One starts counting the beads from the bead adjacent to the Sumeru bead of the Tulsi Mala and completes one full round. On second round the Tulsi Mala needs to be counted in the reverse direction again as the Sumeru bead should not be crossed while praying. Depending on the type of the Tulsi plant, the Tulsi Mala is available in various colours like black, brown or sandalwood colour.

The Tulsi Mala worn around the neck or as a bracelet can help an individual to cure various health problems. It also helps in releasing stress or tension from an individual. The touch of this Tulsi mala itself rejuvenates an individual and helps him to connect with to their inner-self and enhances the spiritual power in them. It has also been observed that wearing this mala with lots of faith and believe brings good fortune and propriety to the individual. It also carries an element that helps in maintaining balance in between vata and kaphadosha. It has believed that worshiping Lord Vishnu or his different incarnation by using this mala helps in getting his blessing easily as they have been considered as a beloved and creator of Tulsi.

Lord Hanuman-Significance of Worship

Lord Hanuman is associated with bravery, honesty, loyalty, and valour of the highest order. Lord Hanuman or the Monkey God also represents wisdom and intellect, along with friendship and love. He is the epitome of devotion and dedication in Hindu mythology.

Hanuman is pure devotion, humility and strength – He is the perfect being. But what does the term hanuman mean? It is believed that Hanuman got His name after being struck by the Vajra Ayudha (thunderbolt) of Indra on his jaw while attempting to snatch the Sun. Thus Hanuman means ‘one with a broken cheek.’

One meaning of Hanuman is ‘without any ego’. Hanu means to kill and man means ego. Therefore, a man who has killed his ego is known as Hanuman. 

Some scholars and saints are also of the opinion that Hanuman means manifested existence of Supreme Consciousness that permeates in all. 

Ha means ‘Supreme Spirit.’ It is also another name of Lord Shiva.
Nu means ‘that which permeates’
Man means ‘manifested’ 

Lord Hanuman -The Incarnation of Lord Shiva is a Blessed lord. Lord Hanuman was blessed from all lords. Brahma gave Hanuman a boon that would protect him from the irrevocable Brahma's curse. Brahma also said: "Nobody will be able to kill you with any weapon in war." From Brahma he obtained the power of inducing fear in enemies, of destroying fear in friends, to be able to change his form at will and to be able to easily travel wherever he wished.

According to Shastras, Lord Hanuman is a form of Lord Shiva. He was born in Vayudev’s ansh and womb of Ma Anjana, who was the wife Kesari who was an ape. Kesari and Anjana used to remain unhappy as they had no kid. On the advice of Matang rishi, Ma Anjana prayed for 12 years after which Lord Hanuman was born.

From Shiva, he obtained the boons of longevity, scriptural wisdom and ability to cross the ocean. Shiva assured the safety of Hanuman with a band that would protect him for life.
Indra blessed him that the Vajra weapon will no longer be effective on him and his body would become stronger than Vajra.

Varuna blessed baby Hanuman with a boon that he would always be protected from water. Agni blessed him with immunity to burning by fire. Surya gave him two siddhis of yoga namely "laghima" and "garima", to be able to attain the smallest or to attain the biggest form. Yama, the God of Death blessed him healthy life and free from his weapon danda, thus death would not come to him. Kubera showered his blessings declaring that Hanuman would always remain happy and contented. Vishwakarma blessed him that Hanuman would be protected from all his creations in the form of objects or weapons. Vayu also blessed him with more speed than he himself had. Kamadeva also blessed him that the appeal of sex will not be effective on him. So his name is also Baal Bramhachari.

Lord Hanuman is also known as Chiranjeevi which means an immortal and also Omnipresent. It is said that he is available at all time where is there is bhajan of lord Sri Ram is going on. Some also consider hanuman lives in the Himalayas.

To experience his ephemeral presence and divine bliss one needs to visit a hanuman temple on Saturday and Tuesday.
Shri Sankat  Mochan Hanuman Temple 

Some of the hanuman temples are quite famous to get the blessing like Sankat Mochan in Varanasi, Kasapuram near guntakal of Andhra Pradesh.
He has freed Lord Shani dev from the prison in Lanka. Ravan has put Shani dev in prison and lord hanuman let him escape from it. Hence Shani is devoted to hanuman and anyone with problems of Shani in his astrology can approach hanuman for a solution.
How to worship lord hanuman:
Hanuman can be worshipped by anyone and at any place. But one requires to be leading a righteous life.

1.      Go to Hanuman temple every Tuesday and Saturday with a clean and fresh mind.

2.      Chant hanuman’s name regularly like in the morning after raising and at night before bed.

3.      Avoid non-vegetarian food especially on Saturday’s and Tuesdays.

4.      If one is suffering from long standing diseases then he or she has to refrain from consuming non-veg food for effective and fast relief from health problems.

5.      Read hanuman Chalisa at least once in a day till you overcome your problems in life. It is a 40 line ritual written by poet Tulasi das who is said to have got the divine appearance of lord hanuman.

6.      On Saturdays to worship lord hanuman, bath with sesame seeds on the head, go to hanuman temple and leave sesame, sugar and red gram (pigeon pea) do it for 11 weeks and you will see a real miracle by turn out of your problems.

7.      Light a lamp or deep with sesame oil daily or at least every Saturday.

8.      If one has a heart problem or anxiety or some mental stress, he or she has to chant hanuman Chalisa as many times as possible in a day.

Lord Hanuman represents Consciousness -highly evolved prana or life energy. Lord Hanuman is very simple and compassionate, yet he is also very powerful and courageous. He never hesitates to bestow the quickest and the most abundant benefits to his devotee. Lord Hanuman makes one brave and fearless.

Why should one pray to lord hanuman?   
Lord Hanuman

a) If one has problems in marriage life, hanuman chanting and worship helps overcome the issues. Lord hanuman is also a guru or teacher. So he is a solution to all problems in one’s life. Some say it is not good to pray god hanuman as he is bachelor but the fact is he is the one who helped Lord Sri Ram get united with Sita after they being separated by Ravan.

b) If one feels that he is entangled with problems in career or family and is unable to get out, then lord hanumans bless is a must for fast and quick recovery from it.

c) If you have long-standing health problems of heart, brain etc, then lord hanuman’s prayer will give immense relief.

d) Those having mental or psychological problems like depression, anxiety, fear should chant hanuman Chalisa. Chanting of hanuman Chalisa makes you feel confident and also gives mind. God Hanuman’s prayers will help you overcome negative attitude and induce courage.

e) If you are in debt and facing problems to repay or if you have lent money and is irrecoverable, then hanuman prayers are the best solutions.

f) Chanting hanuman and praying lord hanuman on regular basis helps one stay disciplined, achieve greater heights in life and career.

g) For those in infatuation for a girl or boy or so called love failure to overcome the agony and sorrow, hanuman chalisa and worship brings immense relief to the heart. It also helps overcome those thoughts of infatuation and one can have a pleasant mind.

H) Hanuman prayers also helps one overcome bad habits like corruption, adultery, laziness, fickle mindedness, procrastination etc. It brings in confident and stable mind.

I)                   If you are said to be affected by Shani Dasha, then praying hanuman is beneficial. Even if you are advised to wear a blue sapphire an astrological gemstone, still consider hanuman worship for remedy. It is quite safer to worship than go for a gemstone directly on advice. Those having weak sun preferring to wear ruby stone can also pray to lord hanuman.

J) If you are lagging behind in education, hanuman prayer beside lord Ganesha will give beneficial results.

Hanuman Mantras:

Hanuman Mantra - 1

Recite this Hanuman Mantra for getting physical strength, stamina and power.
हनुमते नमः |
Om Hanumate Namah

Hanuman Mantra - 2

हं पवन ननदनाय स्वाहा |
Hang Pawan Nandnaay Swaahaa.

Hanuman Mantra - 3

This Hanuman Mantra is a very secret mantra with unlimited power in it. This Hanuman mantra brings instant results. One becomes exceptionally powerful by chanting this hanuman mantra.
हं हनुमते रुद्रात्मकाय हुं फट् |
Hang Hanumate Rudraatmakaay Hung Phatt.

Hanuman Mantra - 4

Recite this Hanuman Mantra 21000 times to eradicate diseases, evil spirits and other types of disturbances in life.
नमो भगवते आंजनेयाय महाबलाय स्वाहा |
Om Namo Bhagvate Aanjaneyaay Mahaabalaay Swaahaa.